‘I Ain’t Sleeping, I’m Just Looking Into My Eyelids!’

By – Farah Surani, Residence Advisor

As students, our lives are as busy as a bee! Having to negotiate between homework, part-time jobs, sports and extracurricular activities is not an easy task! Little do we realize, we’re always managing our time to accommodate for all the things that we need to do in 24 hours, yet the one thing that is always compromised is sleep! For many, sleep is treated more as a luxury than a necessity. Should this be the case?

The average amount of sleep a typical university student needs is about 8 hours a day. Although many of us can survive with only a few hours of sleep a day, and as ‘alright’ as this may seem, we are putting ourselves and our bodies in much danger in the long run. Sleep is vital component in our lives, and is much needed by the body to better process our thoughts and focus, especially on school material.

While there is lots to do right now, there ALWAYS will be! So take a few moments to plan effectively, what needs to be done today should be done without procrastinating – otherwise we’ll end up pulling all-nighters, and we all know how that feels!

Here are a few good tricks to ensure we are all getting enough sleep:

-Naps are always good as a refresher for the mind – take naps (30 minutes) in between classes.

-Sleep before midnight – our bodies need the night time to rest, that’s just how it works!

-Cut out late-night chats, calls, or entertainment. The bulk of our sleep time is taken away doing things that can be put off for another time.

-Encourage yourselves to come up with a routine – and ensure to follow it.

-Lastly, realize that there’s only so much you can do in a day!

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