Legalizing in sale of marijuana for recreational use will create new investment trend

Reuters) – Colorado and Washington became the first U.S. states to legalize the possession and sale of marijuana for recreational use on Tuesday in defiance of federal law, setting the stage for a possible showdown with the Obama administration.


This is a controversial issue under discussed . An reports shows that in Colorado state in 2010, the revenue of selling marijuana is 18million dollars which created jobs for 4200 unemployed persons. This new policy will also benefits the government in tax revenue. For people who against legalizing the marijuana for recreational use indicates that it may leads more under- age children addicted to marijuana. However , the fact is that the stock which related to marijuana was rised between 64% to 300% while other industries continuing to struggle in american stock market after the american presidential election. Obviously, a majority of people focus on the financial benefits rather than social ethic effects. I think there wil be more states legalizing the sale of marijuana for recreational use in the future, this is the new sources of american economic growth.


19. November 2012 by Xiyi,Wang
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