How important ethic is when we define success in business?

There are always many conflicts between moral standards and maximizing profit.  It’s hard to get win-win in making a decision because human wants are unlimited. 


The first time i know the term ethics in business was last year. I was required to write a blog about business ethics for the  COMM101 class. I was really shocked because when I was searching the key word ‘unethical business behaviors’, there are many scandals about the world top corporations such as Wal-mart, Barclays, and Nestle. However, when it comes to marketing, i want to talk about a commercial that really impressed me.



The picture I showed above is a commercial from Aston Martin, one of the world top brand of luxury sports cars and also my favorite one.  Many people said this commercial is “good.” I think some people said ‘good’ because they were impressed, especially for man. However, as a woman, when i see this commercial , I don’t feel that comfortable. I feel that they are implying discrimination against women but I have to admit this commercial is distintive and unforgettable. 


I discussed this issue with my friends. A majority of people love this commercial while some people feel same as me but almost everyone remembered it. I would say this is a successful marketing work, because it draws attention from audience. Maybe some people don’t like it but the much we talk about it, the more people will pay attention to it. And maybe this is what Aston Martin exactly wants. However, I don’t think this is commercial is ethical, i think the company should consider  feelings from all groups of people because they still have many female fans. Nevertheless, I am wondering when we define “success” in business today, how many people will focus on whether they are ethical ?

23. September 2013 by Xiyi,Wang
Categories: Uncategorized | 1 comment

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