Digital marketing or social media

“Digital marketing”, “social media”,” Internet marketing ” Are those words sounds like a same thing to you? As digital marketing has been so wide-spread today, there are some confusion has been made.

Indeed, social media is the latest buzz word used in internet marketing and often refers to platforms like Facebook, Twitter and Google+. It is a major competent of digital marketing. Digital marketing has more reaches besides Internet. The relationship can be clear explained by the image as shown below:

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The success of new platforms of social media has changed the way we socialize, we interact, and shopping. Here is some statistics of the impact of social media.

  • There are 135,000 new twitter users per day
  • Twitter has 288 million monthly active users
  • The average number of tweets per day is 58 million
  • Facebook has more than 500 million active users
  • 27% of total U.S. internet time is spent on social networking site.
  • 56% of Americans has profiles on a social networking site

Social media has become a new way to connect business with customers. However, it has the limits to reach the audience offline which means sometimes it won’t be effective to promote certain product or service. For example , if you want to promote custom tools for farmers you can use social media as a resource to find out more about the products but your main selling point will be billboard ads on rural areas and Radio ads.

Digital marketing goes beyond the Internet and tries to reach people in the off-line world using digital means while social media is limited to the boundaries of the Internet.



19. October 2015 by Xiyi,Wang
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