Hibernation longings

by rebecca ~ November 26th, 2004. Filed under: Floating Fish?.

I am still asleep, foggily typing out this blog, before I go teach two classes back-to-back. I had a week off from teaching and now it is time to be on stage again. Once there, it is not bad, even enjoyable…but it is the “having” to go that feels unnatural this morning. I’d much rather be home cuddling with my hot-water-bottle son underneath the comforter.

Why did I develop today’s anti-work ethic? Maybe everyone has it now and again (but then again maybe some rare bird always enjoys singing for his/her paycheck). I guess my enjoyment of working tends to disappear near the end of the term (exhaustion), when I have just returned from vacation (culture-shock), and when the mornings first turn cold (hibernation longings). All of the above is true today.

I wish I could shapeshift into a big brown bear and hibernate, my belly full of chestnuts and blueberries.

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