Windows narrow

by rebecca ~ January 25th, 2005. Filed under: Whirling Dervish.

Free time for me, if it were a window, would be a slit cut into the fortress turret.

With students streaming in for their graduate theses to be edited, with the demands of the readings and the group activities for my grad class in educational research, with the daily prep and teaching, the marking (long overdue), and with the waking up early to prepare my son for daycare, I am losing grip on giving myself time to just be.

This is not a complaint, really, because life always has its moments of high speed and, blessfully, there is an end in sight. At least the teaching and the students’ visits will end next Thursday and then I can have a less stringent daily schedule to follow. I welcome that freedom, and I need it!

My son is learning to play with other kids. For two years his primary playmates have been his parents, and now he is being immersed in the life of playing with people his own age. At first his teacher said he didn’t seem to notice the other kids, just off doing his own thing, in his own reality.

Yesterday, for the first time, he joined others to “run” at certain times while listening to a storybook. A landmark event! This morning is also the first time he didn’t start crying when I dropped him off at daycare.

I think he is starting to see the joy in playing with others besides his parents. I am happy and relieved.

We decided to to increase his days at daycare because he needs much more time with other kids, and we don’t wish to jar him weekly with only two days of school, and then he has the chance to learn Japanese naturally and proficiently. It is good for him to play outside everyday with others and to learn how to share and get along with others. It is something I need to learn, too ;-).

Now I am off to the land of educational research….this class is a challenge because it isn’t as compelling a subject for me, at least not yet.

1 Response to Windows narrow

  1.   Richard Humphries

    Hi Rebecca

    Is this the Rebecca, once upon a time from Sophia Daigaku. I think so (the mentions about your son Taiyo, I think you sent a jpeg photo once). I was checking on something about Japan (a friend now doing an MATESL at Monterey Institute wants to work in Nippon again and I was checking the jobs stuff I remembered), it got me to Sophia and after checking who was still there (very briefly) reminded me I hadnt heard form you in awhile so I did a check and got taken to “The Watercarrier”. Very evocative writing and nicely done.

    Meself, I recently finished a course in Peace Studies at Bradford University UK (MA Conflict Resolution). Dunno where it leads but far away from the “red states” I really hope. I go to Thailand (and Burma?) in 2 weeks for a bunch of months to finish a book I started (unpublished, maybe even unpublishable and provisionally entitled “Frontier Mosaic” about ordinary Burmese people coping in the conflict zone) and after that not sure. A retreat, I guess, into ESL, and even possibly to Japan (but only if well south of Tokyo) is slightly possible but all options are open.

    Hope you are doing well back in Japan and enjoying life creatively. The Watercarrier suggests you are.

    Best Wishes
    Richard Humphries
    My email address:
    babirusa7 AT yahoo DOT com
    ( becomes deactivated in one week)
    January 25, 2005

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