Dirty business

by rebecca ~ March 23rd, 2005. Filed under: Ordinary Muse.

Warning: Do not proceed if you dislike scatological topics!

While I was innocently doing my feeble attempt at yoga this early morning, my son rose up from the futon and waddled past me, only giving me a brief side-long look.

I noticed he walked gingerly, with his legs wide apart, as if he had just been on horseback for an hour too long or he was wearing a samurai’s armor, replete with inro ornament hanging from his girdle. Hmmm…

Sure enough he squatted down on his haunches, slowly, slowly, and then proceeded to do his vacant stare and grunting routine. I guess that cake needed icing, so to speak.

My son is presently ‘in medi res’ in regard to toilet-training, and from the way he held his full bottom up by arching his back as I laid him down for the change, he finally has begun to find diaper-wearing a wearisome and disagreeable business.

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