
by rebecca ~ July 22nd, 2005. Filed under: New Media Musings.

How might technoanimism alter our views on technology
and spirituality?

As mentioned above, this term, for me, re-turns us to
our animistic beginnings, we can once again see the
object and the human as interconnected and
interdependent sentient beings. This might seem
blasphemous (as Feng noted in his Latour essay), but I
see it as a positive embracing of complexities.

I am not sure how technologies, such as our computer,
will fit exactly into an animistic schema yet, but if we
view technologies as family members, what are the
ethical implications? Can such a belief help us use the
technologies in the basic animistic tenet?: can we take
from it only what is needed and eliminate waste from the
equation; can we approach it with compassion and

A fascinating thought, if we could do it! Not
trying to offend anyone’s beliefs here with my musings,
but technoanimism seems like a possible path through the
thicket, but maybe one that could easily go astray if

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