Archive for September, 2005

Big Bear and Fly

Wednesday, September 28th, 2005

Sorry for the long silence. We took a lovely vacation to Tokyo, but more on that later. On Monday night my son and I went to our local sports center to play in the toddler room. An older woman with a soapy left eye came in with her grandson (who turned out to be just […]

Meguro Garden

Sunday, September 25th, 2005

Son and I stand in our friends’ Meguro garden. We heard that city workers attempting to ‘fix’ a wall tore half of the garden off, all the back trees were felled and then they poured in concrete. So sad to hear that!

Tokyo Vacation

Sunday, September 25th, 2005

Here we are in Tokyo on our big vacation. Yes, I’m behind camera, where I prefer to be….my son is more into the trains than the photo op though.


Saturday, September 24th, 2005

Wow, my husband may have turned into Jesus for a brief moment and my son is baby Jesus…heh, heh. Riding the gondola to see Mt.Fuji.

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