Walking Meditation

by rebecca ~ August 30th, 2006. Filed under: Ordinary Miracles.

(A dragonfly by an outsider artist from new library exhibition, Asahikawa Public Library)

For the first week and a half I have been taking two buses to and fro work, but gradually it dawned on me that the simpler way was to walk. So, I began walking as soon as I disembarked one bus and then caught the next one further down the road, getting exercise instead of just waiting and waiting for a bus to maybe arrive.

And this morning I just went ahead and started hoofing it toward work without any intention of catching the bus. Lo and behold, it took me the same amount of time (45 minutes) as if I had taken the two buses, and I didn’t have to sit on a lurching seat and smell the sticky vinyl floors of the buses, nor watch the people probably my same age who seem so unhealthy that they can barely walk up the bus steps. (Oh, I can’t let that happen to me, so incidentally, I need to start turning down all the opportunities to eat pastries at work….).

Thus, a Yeah for feet and Yeah for the beautiful, slightly crisp, but sunny morning. I then treated myself to a fancy coffee since I saved two dollars, too. It took me a while to catch on, but I’m feeling quite happy about the oldest form of transportation in the world: the ol’ fot, fuot, ped, pod!

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