Lost Japan
by rebecca ~ July 26th, 2007. Filed under: Whirling Dervish.I have been catching up with an old friend via email who actually located me via google, and she just sent this photograph of me, probably dating from 1993 or 1994, when I lived in Chiba. I look so thin and young– is that really me?
I don’t remember why I posed with these young women or where. I find it strange how this old photograph can’t help trigger any memory of the moment. Somewhere in my brain there must be a recollection of it…somewhere…but I am not able to ‘be’ there again. In fact, I feel too wound up today–too much caffeine before noon and too much change underfoot–and the wicked combination makes me teeter and unable to breathe. Oh, help me breathe. Off to Ta’i Chi to empty my body of fight/flight, emptyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy.