“I Love Trains and Computers”
by rebecca ~ July 1st, 2008. Filed under: Ordinary Muse.
Minneapolis Grain Belt Brewery
My son wrote this sentence of his own accord yesterday, and he does sum up two of his passions in a succinct manner: “I love trains and computers.”
His ability to write and read has grown incredibly, much faster than his ability to speak. I think (but I’m guessing here) that the printed word, as a visible object, makes more sense to him, and he seems to process his world around him more quickly when there is a picture, a tangible object, a demonstrated action, or a written word to accompany any sounds or speech.
I am also quite pleased that he loves going to the library and reading books as much as I do. We go each week to a small brick library called Pierre Bottineau, which is made from a renovated wagon shed from 1893 and millwright shop from 1913. The library is tucked in the shadow of the locally famous Grain Belt Brewery [more like a castle], which is now owned by an architectural firm that restored it to its past grandeur. The only thing I dislike about this very cozy building is the freezing air conditioning, but I have adapted by trying to remember to wear layers and bring a sweatshirt along, too.
Alright then, folks, below are a few of my son’s recent renditions of his beloved trains. He really enjoyed scanning all his drawings into the computer, and he did this all by himself after I showed him once.