
by rebecca ~ March 17th, 2010. Filed under: Uncategorized.


I used to think it’s the perfect drink for me, absinthe. Wormword, fennel, and green anise: the holy trinity for fallen Catholics. Absenta in Spanish. The Green Fairy. But I feared the nausea, the fainting spells, the bloated stomach, the rumored madness, and truths I might let loose from my lips and never reign back in.

Escape is good, escape is so needed, but in the end, I prefer words to the tonic poured in a glass. I’d rather be fueled by hope, than by a physical slight of hand/mind/body. Desire—Of the stars, I gaze at them for long stretches of time—it’s what insomnia is for– wanting them because they are beautiful to be nearer to me, but also knowing not to wish too hard, as they’d just turn me into astral dust. So in the end, it’s best to choose the longing instead. I’ll stay on the unfinished journey toward that mysterious something I prefer to never fully know.

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