Night trumpet

by rebecca ~ February 14th, 2005. Filed under: Beginning Spiral, Ordinary Miracles.

Yesterday my son decided not to take his nap. He lay in bed with his toy car and stayed silent, except for some muttering, for over an hour, without ever falling asleep. I figured the downtime might suffice for a nap…but in the evening he had reached that punch-drunk state of exhaustion, running wildly from room to room, falling and sliding across the floors, crashing into futons.

When carried off to bed, his body felt heavy, although he remained wide-eyed and chattery. He snuggled into the futon. After a short period of silence, he started to shout in very loud, syncopated yelps, maybe four or five times. These yells held no rhyme or reason, but blasted out of him like a trumpet on fire. Then, in another minute or so, he slipped into a blissful slumber.

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