Creative thinking skills

by rebecca ~ June 12th, 2005. Filed under: New Media Musings.

I am very concerned about teaching
myself and my students to think much more critically
(and more importantly) creatively about all the data at
our fingertips and barraging us via new media.

I’ll give a talk in one week on creative thinking skills
at university–so this is big on my mind. To me,
creative thinking skills (CTS) are critical now. I
define CTS as similar to HOTS–higher order thinking
skills or meta-cognition skills, but also CTS are
integrated with ethics: i.e. does my idea of creating
new patterns with information (fancy words for a
creative thought and its potential creative
act/manifestation) benefit anyone more than another, who
might it benefit, why? Is that a good thing or
potentially harmful? In other words, thinking as best we
can about the potential impact of a creative idea/act
upon the individual and the society and the world is
more important than mere development of technology for
technology’s sake.

Not sure I make sense, but I agree with you that we need
to step outside of old-school scientific rationality and
logic and into searching for more complex analyses of
what technologies and humans are doing/will be doing to
this world.

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