Archive for the 'Oops' Category

Three elves

Monday, June 5th, 2006

How did we end up in these elf outfits exactly? Well, the race entailed putting on costumes stuffed in a colorcoded bag and then we had to run about 50 meters to unstack some plastic cones and then race back to tag the next group of lucky nursery school parents/child. I think my husband is […]

Ants & War

Thursday, August 25th, 2005

I am not an enemy of ants. As a child, I was a pro-active ant advocate: I would save their homes when the rain fell by frantically hopping with a battered black umbrella from ant hill to ant hill on our front sidewalk. I have never willingly scraped an ant hill with my shoe, or […]

Bad pie

Wednesday, May 25th, 2005

Andre ate about a quarter of a moldy pot pie ordered from a natural foods store before he realized something was odd…this is the other bad pie that luckily noone ate…replete with mold. Yech!

X the late movie

Tuesday, March 8th, 2005

Remind me to never watch movies, especially violent ones, at night. Yesterday evening I went to the cinema to see “Bourne Supremacy” (alone) and I shared the experience with less than five other strangers. In Japan, since the English language is supplementary to the sound and the music, the volume is increased to the extreme, […]

Biking in a misty wind

Wednesday, November 24th, 2004

On my way to work, the wind tried to peel me from the bicycle more than once, sudden gusts in the shape of two square hands pushing occasionally and forcefully against my right side, but I prevailed and remained balanced…as I think I must be part circus acrobat. Inside the wind a spray of rain […]

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