Posted by: | 18th Oct, 2010

How many boats can you fold?

In August, Gu and I (Chris) put on workshop for kids from the Richmond Chinese United Church Daycamp as well as community members in preparation for the Waterscapes Exhibit this fall at the Richmond Art Gallery. Kids were invited to fold boats that would later be used in the exhibit. Gu and I also interviewed some parents and daycamp leaders. One participant told me that she made many paper boats as a child in Hong Kong during the 1960s. We were poor, she recalls, and there weren’t many things to do, so whenever it rained, we’d take newspapers, fold boats, and play in the puddles. Some fifty years later, she’s taking part in our workshop and contributing her stories to a new Waterscape.

The Waterscapes team is grateful to all the participants of playing a vital role in this project. Special thanks to Joanne Poon and Saintfield Wong for facilitating our workshop!

Setting up

Learning how to make the model (the first one is always the hardest!)

Here they come!

Thanks to all the wonderful daycamp leaders for their help and patience!

Parents and volunteers try their hand at boat making

Let's see how many we've made....

"I made one THIS big...."

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