Lightning Tours
Most Wednesdays
12:05 – 12:15pm
Join us for a 10 minute tour of the exhibition.
Free admission. Richmond Art Gallery
Up the Yangtze
Film Screenings
Wednesday October 20, 1:30pm
Thursday October 25, 7pm
Up the Yangtze, is a dramatic, award winning documentary that follows a luxury cruise boat down the Yangtze River. It looks at a young family (among over one million people who were displaced) whose lives are changed forever due to the building of the Three Gorges Dam, the largest hydroelectric dam in history.
Free admission. Richmond Cultural Centre.
Swimming the River:
Panel Discussion with Gu Xiong
Thursday October 28, 7:30pm
This discussion looks at what happens when large numbers of people move around the world. What are the implications? What are some of the local and global transformations that are taking place?
Free admission. Richmond Art Gallery.
For more information, see