Flight of the Phytoplankton

While debating various Biol 420 term paper titles (that included many, many puns), we created a Phytoplankton movie franchise for a variety of genres.
It all began with:

Flight of the Phytoplankton

Horror: Fright of the Phytoplankton
Thriller/Medical Mystery: Blight of the Phytoplankton
Action: Might of the Phytoplankton
Supernatural: Sight of the Phytoplankton
Dance Movie: Tights of the Phytoplankton
Comedy: Night at the Phytoplankton Museum
Romance: Light of the Phytoplankton
Fringe/Cult Movie: Rite of the Phytoplankton
Drama: Plight of the Phytoplankton


In case you’re wondering we did get our term paper finished. Our title ended up being: Vancouver steps it up by skirting marine habitat degradation. A summary blog of our term paper about the Vancouver Convention Centre’s habitat skirt can be found here: https://blogs.ubc.ca/vcchabitatskirt/.


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