Monthly Archives: November 2014

My comment on Jie Sun’s blog :Microsoft Is Giving Away Its Office 365 Mobile Apps

After reading the comment of Jie Sun, I agree and also disagree with it.

The Office 365 Mobile Apps has been given away, which is unfair to those customers who has paid for it. We all know that this is not cheap. Maybe Microsoft wants to choose the cost leadership  strategy, but The free Office will decrease the customer loyalty.

On the other side,  Jie Sun said that it is in convenient to use mobile phones and ipads. I hold the different opinion. Most computers are too big and heavy . It’s  hard for people to bring them to everywhere.  However, these ipads are different. They have less sizes but more functions. What’s more ,there are more people who haven’t paid  the fee than those who have paid. Consequently, Microsoft should choose the majority of market segment and ignore the emotion of old consumers.


Mexico Pulls High-Speed Train Contract From China-Led Group

According to the passage, I think there are something need to be improved about the companies in China. Although I am a Chinese, I know that China just copies most of things but not creates something. Due to this fact , Mexico government cancelled the contact. This is really a negative effect  for the economic development of China. We can also find another problem:The only countries that will even entertain Chinese offers are those with poor domestic legal systems and lots of corruption since in the western world. The Chinese companies would be liable to being sued by the Western companies that built and patented the original products which the Chinese stole without paying .