Best Work

This page contains various pieces of my best work throughout the term in ENGL 301. Each piece was either reviewed by a team member, or by our instructor. Below are the revised versions, based on the feedback received.

Definition Assignment

For this assignment, I was required to write three definitions of a relatively complex term used in my profession for a specific non-technical audience. I chose the term ‘post-production’, and wrote a parenthetical, sentence, and three expanded definitions (required conditions, examples and analysis of parts). The goal of this assignment was appreciate the role of definitions in technical writing, understand our audience and tailor details to the specific situation.

Peer Review of the Definition Assignment

This assignment required that I peer review a team member’s definition assignment, assessing their techniques and strategies. The goal of this assignment was to highlight specific strengths while also recommending areas that could benefit from editing. This process allowed me to reflect on my own writing, and therefore providing me with an opportunity to improve my own definition assignment.

Formal Report Proposal

This assignment provided the opportunity to investigate, analyze and recommend an action plan on a problem or deficiency in my community or workplace that has affected me. This was an exciting but intensive assignment. However, it allowed me to improve my researching skills, refine my technical writing and present a proposal that I felt would benefit my community.

Progress Report with Surveys

The progress report was an invaluable assignment for me. I was required to provide my instructor with the status of my formal report which allowed me to focus on crucial aspects including the audience, purpose, significance, objectives, and research plan of my formal report. This assignment also required a writing schedule be put in place that was a huge benefit to staying on track with deadlines.

LinkedIn Best Practices Memo

This assignment required me provide my writing team with ten best practices to consider and use on their LinkedIn account. Surprisingly, this forced me to reflect on my own profile, and highlighting the areas that need updating and improvement.

Memo to Evan Crisp

For this assignment I was required to read and analyze an email that a fellow student wrote to his professor, and advise him on the best practices for e-mail correspondence. This task reiterated how important it to be professional in style and tone when communicating via email. It also highlighted that using the ‘you-attitude’ in writing eliminates the risk of sounding condescending or demanding, while also increasing the chances of a positive and timely response.

Peer Review of a Formal Report

This assignment was an important one for my team member as I had to provide constructive feedback while employing the ‘you-attitude’. I focused on adding as much detail as I could, as I knew this was a skill that I lacked in previous assignments. I took this peer review very seriously, knowing how important my feedback was going to be in the success of my team member’s final project.