
Throughout the term, I wrote reflections on the process of learning the many aspects of Technical Writing, and implementing them into my assignments. Below is a collection of 5 reflections, each highlighting my experiences.

Term Definitions, Peer Review & Editing

My first reflection made me realize how complex the process of technical writing really is, how important the peer review was for my team member’s success and how crucial their feedback was to mine.


Proposal, LinkedIn, Report Outline & Revisions

My second reflection allowed me to appreciate the passion that is needed to write a proposal for positive change in my community. It also reiterated the importance peer reviews, and of creating a well thought out LinkedIn profile to promote yourself to the professional world. Finally it confirmed how invaluable an outline is for developing any form of written content.


Research, Report Draft & Peer Review

My third reflection was where I could finally say I was getting the hang of technical writing. Although I’m sure there are still many areas that I can improve upon, I did feel significantly more comfortable and confident in my writing ability.



The Process of Creating a Web Folio

My forth reflection reveals how much I’ve grown in English 301 as building my Web Folio was not as daunting a task as it was at the beginning of the course. It also reflects how much I have learned and will take with me into my final year at UBC and my professional career.



My fifth and final reflection is a summary of my strengths and weaknesses in my learning process and my assignments. It also reflects on how my skills and strengths as a student will support my future career goals.