ENGL310 Reflections: Introduction

Welcome to my blog! Here you will find my reflections on the assignments and experiences of ENGL301.

In the beginning of the term, the Course Description and Schedule pages seemed very overwhelming. “Look, how much I will have to do!”, I was thinking. But the time went by fast and the three months of the summer term condensed into just a couple of posts, described below.

The first blog “The Art of Writing Definitions” discusses an interesting task of writing different kinds of definitions, as well as first experiences with peer reviewing and self-editing.

In the Unit 2 blog we take a break and discover a wealth of useful advice about networking via LinkedIn and dive back in through writing and revising a proposal for a formal report.

In “The Journey of Writing the Formal Report” you can read about my struggle of researching and actually writing the first draft of the formal report.

In the very “meta” post titled  “The Experience of Creating this Web Folio”  you can learn about creation of the very Web Folio you are exploring right now.

Lastly, in “Self-Assessment Reflection” I assess my abilities and relate them to my career future.

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