Unit 4 Reflection: The Experience of Creating This Web Folio

As part of the assignment to create this Web Folio, we were tasked to reflect on the process of designing. Overall, creating the Web Folio was a deceptively simple task – just organize bits and pieces of all the previous work in one place and make it look appealing. The reality, however, proved to be much more time consuming, and the devil was exactly in the details. Every page needed a description and every single work needed a final proofreading before it was placed in the Web Folio. Just filling in all the little things took most of the time but was worth it. So in the end, the most challenging thing was to get all the requirements right, which I hopefully did.

An interesting aspect of creating the website was that weird feeling that I had when proofreading my previous works. It was similar to looking at an older picture of yourself. Coming back to something that was written months ago felt interesting and also revealing of how much progress was done and how much work was put into this course.

Lastly, there were the design considerations to make the website user-friendly and easy to navigate. I thought that these aspects were essential, because a Web Folio needs to persuade, and for that it needs to be easy to digest. All the work in adding the hyperlinks and descriptions should finally pay off, as this in my view, would decrease the amount of cognitive work a reader would need to do to discover my work and resume.

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