Memo to Evan Crisp

Description: This assignment aimed at writing a memorandum summarizing suggestions to Evan Crisp, a hypothetical UBC student who had struggles with contacting a UBC instructor. In this assignment, we were expected to write with a You-attitude.


July 15, 2021

To: Evan Crisp, UBC Student

From: Konstantin Mestnikov, ENGL 301 Student

Subject: Best Practices In Writing An Email to a Professor


Thank you for requesting advice on writing an email to a professor about being added to a full course. Below is a list of suggestions that are helpful in eliciting a response from an instructor despite their potentially busy schedule and full inboxes.


Emails that lead to an effective communication with an instructor follow these recommendations:

  • Including an informative subject line will convey the importance of the email to the professor and helps them to prioritize their reply.
  • Adding personalized greeting using the professor’s name and expanding abbreviations in the closing section help establishing a polite and respectful tone.
  • Starting with a personal introduction establishes a friendly tone and provides context to the email’s subject matter.
  • Providing a personal reason for taking the course and making the reason to relate to one’s personal interests incites more empathy and involvement from the professor and increases the chance of a positive response.
  • Rephrasing the imperative and demanding verbs in the email body into a polite request renders the message courteous and is more likely to result in an approval.
  • Showing willingness to be open to various outcomes will signal flexibility and increase the willingness of the professor to find different ways to accommodate the request.
  • Indicating appreciation of the professor’s effort to accommodate regardless of the outcome signals a good will and indirectly shows gratitude and understanding.

Effective communication with a professor can be challenging due to their busy schedules and various responsibilities. However, trying to have their perspective in mind and using a professional and concise style can go a long way in ensuring a best interaction experience. Please feel free to contact me at if you have any further questions.