Complaint Letter and Response Letter

Description: In this assignment, we were tasked with writing a complaint letter based on one of our recent experiences, as well as a hypothetical response/bad news letter using a You-attitude.

Complaint Letter

123 Wonderful Ave
Vancouver, BC

July 18, 2022


Anne Doe
Regional Manager
BetterMealKit Inc.
456 Food Ave
Vancouver, BC

Subject: Incomplete Food Deliveries

Dear Ms. Doe:

BetterMealKit has established itself as a solid provider of high-quality meal kits. For over a year I have been your customer and have enjoyed the diverse selection of foods and timely deliveries.

On June 12th, I was awaiting delivery as per my subscription which includes three 4-portion meals of my choice (which were Moroccan Stew, TexMex Quesadillas and Thai Peanut Noodles for that week), delivered between 5 pm to 7 pm every week on Tuesdays.

However, the delivery arrived much later at 11:00 pm and was missing the recipe and ingredients for 2 portions of the Thai Peanut Noodles meal. So, instead of 4 portions of the meal, I received only 2.

Since my meal plan is structured around my subscription and the delivery was too late for the dinner time, I had to buy and cook a different evening meal than expected very late in the day. Furthermore, the missing portions have not been delivered or reimbursed since.

Please let me know how I could get a refund for the missing meal portions. Also, please indicate if you have a voucher/promo code system in place to give out to your customers who received late deliveries of their orders.


Konstantin Mestnikov

Enclosure: BetterMealKit order receipt for June 15th delivery

Response Letter

BetterMealKit Inc.
456 Food Ave
Vancouver, BC

June 23, 2022


123 Wonderful Ave
Vancouver, BC

Dear Mr. Mestnikov,

Thank you for being our loyal customer since almost the very beginning of BetterMealKit. Our team strives to make your experience as enjoyable as possible, and I was very sorry to hear about your late delivery and missing meal kit portions.

It can of course be very unpleasant to receive a late delivery especially when you rely on our meal kits for easy-to-cook dinner plans. Furthermore, receiving an incomplete order could further disrupt your food planning and add more uncertainty to daily life.

We acknowledge that the incomplete order was a mistake on our part and will therefore fully refund you for the missing meal portions. However, our delivery schedules are geared towards packaging the freshest ingredients, which may sometimes take a bit longer than expected. We try to indicate the best possible estimate of the delivery (5 to 7 pm in your case), but as we noted in our subscription description, a delivery may appear at an earlier or later time than indicated. For this reason, unfortunately, free meal vouchers will not be provided for the late delivery you experienced.

Even still, I understand that the two circumstances with your delivery may have led to frustration. Because we value our customer’s satisfaction, I can offer you an 8% discount on our special offers for your next order. Please feel free to contact me if you have any further questions or concerns.


Anne Doe

Regional Manager