Peer Review of a Formal Report

Description: This assignment aimed at producing a peer review of one of our team members’ formal report draft.

To: Madison Strasman, English 301 Student

From: Konstantin Mestnikov, English 301 Student

Date: July 27, 2022

Subject: Peer Review of Formal Report: Installation of New Streetlights on Northwest and Southwest Marine Drive


Your peer review for “Installation of New Streetlights on Northwest and Southwest Marine Drive” is ready and contains first impression and notes on organization, style, and each section of the report.

First impressions:

  • The report is well-organized and has mostly relevant content, please see below for suggestions on Introduction and Purpose.
  • The analysis of gathered data is effective and thorough.
  • Style and design are clear and well-done with some revisions needed to figure presentation.


The report is laid out in a logical manner and the progression of inquiry is easily followed. The content is mostly relevant and aids in the understanding of the issue of streetlights on Marine Drive.

  • Introduction provides sufficient information to acquire the necessary context for the report.
    • However, it would help to exclude the passages about the governance and history of the University Endowment Land as they do not relate to the purpose of the report and the reader may be familiar with the information already.
  • Purpose
    • Providing fewer details about car accidents would be helpful to make the report more objective and less emotional.
    • Moving the car accident information to data analysis section would be more suitable, since analyzing history of accidents is included in the investigation scope.
    • Moving some information into the introduction will aid at making the purpose section clearer and more concise.
  • Method is described effectively and completely. Excellent job.
    • Perhaps finding a way to link the absence of streetlight and car accidents by providing a statistical analysis or a comparison could make the investigation more persuasive.
  • Scope is well defined, relevant, and exhaustive for the study. Great job.
  • Data Section presents a clear analysis of gathered data and evaluation of streetlight project costs.
    • Analyzing car accident history more systematically rather than presenting separate stories will add more foundation to the report’s recommendations.
    • Gathering more responses for the questionnaire will provide a more solid justification for the recommendation to install the streetlights.
  • Conclusion
    • Including a set of recommendations alongside brief interpretation of findings will aid in quickly grasping the essence of the report.


Other than the comments above, the draft is well-organized. Text is easily digestible and benefits from clear usage of headings and subheadings.

  • Changing page numbers before and after introduction to adhere with the textbook example as well as adding the running title will make the report adhere to the guidelines


The style is objective and concise. No major grammatical or stylistic issues other than the following:

  • Avoiding starting sentences will be beneficial. Example: “Of all the respondents, 50% recorded…” instead of “50% of respondents recorded…”.


Overall, the graphics are clear and relevant, while the report is reader-friendly and easy to read. A few edits are suggested as follows:

  • Labelling the graphics with description according to the instructions in the textbook will make them more informative and contextualized.
  • Combining figures 2-6 using a single graphic, such as a table or a bar chart will make presentation of the data more effective and concise.

To sum up, your report analyzes and addresses the issue of streetlights in a solid and informative way. Excellent job on data analysis and researching the background information. With the suggested revisions, your work will be an effective and persuasive read.

ENGL301 Madison Strasman Formal Report Draft