About Me

My name is Konstantin and I am a student in the Bachelors of Computer Science program. My road to computer science, and thus to this course, was slightly convoluted. This is my second degree and I completed my first degree in a largely unrelated field of biochemistry. I even worked in the field for three years, one of which was during my Co-Op. Interestingly enough, I did not have to complete a technical writing course during that degree (but my program did not include any statistics too, which is also odd for a very experimental science major).

Although now I do not have to pipette clear liquids from one little plastic tube to another hundreds of times a day, I still keep a passion to life sciences. There is something about gene networks, proteins and evolution that sparks interest in me and drives me forward. I believe that in the future my career perhaps will still be related to life sciences. The currently hot fields of synthetic biology and personalized medicine is something where I can build myself professionally.

Now, since I started my current degree, computer science and coding in particular also became a passion of mine. It is that feeling that one can build something amazing just by learning publicly available things online and typing away that feels very satisfying. Away from the keyboard, I recently acquired yet another passion for a different kind of keyboard. I always wanted to learn to play an instrument, but some inexplicable blocks and «I don’t have time» stopped me. Finally, one day last year I woke up and said to myself that I was going to buy a digital piano. So far I managed to practice nearly every day, and it brought a wave of interesting challenges, fun times and joy.