Course Overview


Technical Writing is a rigorous and dedicated writing course created to help students learn about the distinctive elements in writing. The learning of these new skills will aid students in better communication and real-life appliance in both, a professional and technical situation.

Introduced through a variety of course readings and class activities, the major purposes of this course is to provide opportunities to practice these newfound skills and engage with classmates in online discussion, peer review, and analyze documents intended for business, professional, and technical contexts.

In addition, Technical Writing assists students in developing professional online portfolio such as LinkedIn with references and personally-designed website that includes your resume.

This course is divided into four units:

Unit 1. Principles, Practices and People in English 301 (3 weeks)
Unit  2. Designing a Report Proposal; Defining Terms with Audience in Mind (3 weeks)
Unit  3. Designing a Report Outline & draft; Building your resume and job application skills  (3 weeks)
Unit 4. Drafting the Formal Report; Peer Review of the Formal Report Draft (3 weeks)

Offered as an online course, ENGL 301 is designed to operate in three ways: independently, student to instructor, and through writing teams. To ensure that all the course objectives are met, students are ultimately encouraged and assisted in developing a stronger set of writing skills, both professionally and technically.