Revised LinkedIn Best Practices Memo

Based on the revisions I received from Dr. Paterson, the purpose of this assignment was to write a memo for my writing team with a summary of the best practices for professional networking on LinkedIn.

Changes made: changed all imperative verbs to -ing ending verbs and removed my signing.

To: Madison Strasman (ENGL 301 Student), Konstantin Mestnikov (ENGL 301 Student), Leif Jack (ENGL 301 Student)

From: Piper Kim, ENGL 301 Student

Date: July 5, 2022

Subject: Summary my Research of LinkedIn Best Practices (MEMO)

Hello team members,

LinkedIn is a professional networking site for professionals to connect, share, and learn. Based on the guidelines of assignment 2.2, I have provided a brief summary of the best practices to use LinkedIn effectively.

Completing your profile: A complete LinkedIn profile will increase your discoverability and profile search appearances. It allows employers/potential connections to learn more about you. Outline your skills, experiences, and what you are seeking for.

Choosing an appropriate profile picture and display name: First impressions are important. Having a professional headshot at glance shows what kind of person you are. Your display name also allows people to search for you and what your (future) occupation is.

Establishing connections: Establish connections with people you know so they can vouch for you and refer you to other people (potential jobs).

Seeking connections related to your field: Join LinkedIn groups! LinkedIn has a wide range of people on the site. Messaging recruiters or employees from a specific field can help you grow professionally.

Requesting endorsements from colleagues: Your skills can be endorsed by your colleagues. This emphasizes how well you know/can utilize your skills. Credibility is key.

Being memorable: Post content that sticks out and consider things that will differentiate you from the crowd and increase your chances of success. You want to market yourself as a unique individual.

Being active/consistent: Regularly update your status! Always communicate yourself to others by posting, commenting, and sharing regularly.

Optimizing key words: LinkedIn’s system allows your profile to be visible in search engines. Utilizing popular key words causes your profile to be more searchable.

Being yourself: This is crucial! At the end of the day, LinkedIn serves as a platform to connect and learn from others. People want to know the real you, your best (professional) self.

LinkedIn has many opportunities. I hope my suggestions are insightful, and will assist you all in using LinkedIn effectively. Please let me know if you would like me to expand on any of the practices above.

Works Cited

Billings, D. (2018, March 8). 12 best practices of Business Networking. LinkedIn. Retrieved July 4, 2022, from

Schaffer, B. N., & Schaffer, N. (2021, September 5). 21 linkedin best practices for business professionals to follow for Success. Social Media & Influencer Marketing Speaker, Consultant & Author. Retrieved July 4, 2022, from,and%20skill%20endorsements%20from%20your%20previous…%20More%20