Revised Formal Report Proposal and Progress Report Memo

An example of my formal report proposal and progress report memo to Professor Paterson based on the suggestions I received from Dr. Paterson. The purpose of this assignment was to demonstrate writing techniques for Proposals and Formal Reports, study the research process, and brainstorm ideas for a formal report.

Changes made: alphanumeric system was added, wording of certain sentences wrre changed — ex: “offer recommendations” replaced “implementation of…”



This report will be presented to Syed Rizvi, the owner of Ice Cream on Grand


The purpose of this formal report is to offer recommendations for offering dairy-free options at Ice Cream on Grand. Ice Cream on Grand is a local Kosher ice cream shop located in Englewood, New Jersey. Over the past two decades, they have served high quality home-made ice cream to our community and to people all over the country. They serve a variety of flavors ranging from plain vanilla to fruity flavors to Cookie Monster (the most popular flavor). They have 32 flavors in total including three sugar-free and two sherbets (still contains skim milk), and three soft-serve options (vanilla, chocolate, and swirl). Their menu has many options, offering the ice cream in cups, cones, sundaes, milkshakes, and freezer packs making it a perfect dessert spot for individuals, friends, and families.

A variety of customers come in to try Ice Cream on Grand. Attracting over 2000 customers weekly, many people come to try one of the 32 flavors offered. However, all the ice cream contains dairy, becoming a limiting factor for those who cannot consume dairy. As a result, there is a loss of customers.

This report will be presented to Syed Rizvi, the owner as well as head ice cream maker of the local ice cream shop. Rizvi is in charge of supplies and holds the power to decide whether to add a non-dairy ice cream flavor.

Statement of Problem

Although the ice cream shop carries a variety of flavors (32), they have no options for those who are vegan or lactose intolerant. They have had the same flavors for over 20 years, and now it is time to expand.

According to the National Institutes of Health, lactose intolerance is “an impaired ability to digest lactose, a sugar found in milk and other dairy products.” This is a health issue that cannot be fixed but can be possibly avoided with the use of non-dairy products. About 65% of the adult human population has this sort of lactose intolerance, which results in abdominal pain and other gastrointestinal consequences after eating dairy products (Glaser).

Lactose intolerant and vegan (a strict vegetarian who consumes no food that comes from animals such as eggs and dairy) customers are at an all-time high with a percentage of customers (about 65%) having forms of dairy intolerance. If Ice Cream on Grand Does not shift to a more inclusive menu, it will lose a percentage of its customers.

Proposed Solution

A proposed solution is to have at least one non-dairy flavor in their collection. Many customers over the past couple of years have inquired about non-dairy options, by asking and suggesting to head management. With this new addition, it will cater to more customers and satisfy their needs, increasing interests and revenue.


To determine the feasibility of the implementation of a non-dairy ice cream flavor, I will pursue these five areas of inquiry:

What non-dairy suppliers are Kosher (Ice Cream on Grand only can serve Kosher products), and what are the approximate costs of production?
What is the current demand for dairy-free ice cream?
Do other ice cream competitors carry non-dairy flavors?
What price for non-dairy ice cream can the market bear?
The demographics of the area (population, age, income, ethnicity — according to the NIH, in adults lactose intolerance shows up most often in people of East Asian heritage, affecting 70 to 100% of the population)

My primary sources will include a consultation the company Panza, which is the head supplier of our productions to look for possible non-dairy options and estimate costs. I will also conduct an online survey with the general public to gain a better insight into whether this addition of non-dairy flavors is a positive idea. In addition, I will scope the surrounding competition to see whether they carry any non-dairy flavors and if they do, which alternatives did they use and what flavor(s).

My secondary source includes the government consensus so I can see the demographic of the town.

I will be using UBC Qualtrics to conduct my online survey. Attached is the link to the survey questions being used to gather data for this report: 

A list of questions I will use in the survey are listed below (there is a total of nine (9) questions):

  1. Asks “On a weekly basis, ice cream is eaten…”
  2. Asks for a T/F on the statement “Dairy-free options are popular…”
  3. Asks “How important is it for an ice cream shop to carry dairy-free options?” 
  4. Asks “Which dairy alternative is the most popular?” 
  5. Asks for one’s opinion on the statement “Having lactose intolerance is…”
  6. Asks for one’s opinion on the statement “Dairy-free ice cream flavors should cost more than regular ice cream…”
  7. Asks for a T/F on the statement “Having dairy-free flavors at an ice cream shop allows for more inclusivity” 
  8. Asks the participant on a scale from 1-100 (1 being the least, and 100 being the most) “How likely would you consume dairy-free ice cream?” 
  9. Asks for Yes/No for the following statement: “More inclined to enter an ice cream shop that offers dairy-free flavors…” 

My Qualifications

I have worked part-time at Ice Cream on Grand since the summer of 2018. During the pandemic, I was promoted to manager, overseeing ice cream production, sales, and customer relations. I have spent almost four years at this facility and I first-handedly witnessed customers’ complaints and suggestions. Many customers come through the door asking if we have non-dairy flavors and leave once they realize we don’t carry any. Due to my position, I can suggest non-dairy flavors to the owner.


Ice Cream on Grand is a staple dessert spot in New Jersey, serving customers for over 20 years. Although they carry 32 flavors, they do not cater to those who are vegan or lactose intolerant, failing to satisfy specific customer groups. If Ice Cream on Grand accepts this proposal, they will begin to see new types of customers and expect an increase in business.

Works Cited:

Glaser, Kelli. “Lactose Intolerance: Pathology,” (accessed Mar. 25, 2020)



To:  Dr. Erika Paterson, Instructor ENGL 301 Technical Writing UBC
From:  Piper Kim, Student ENGL 301 Technical Writing UBC
Date:  July 8, 2022
Subject: 301 Progress Report: Recommendations for Dairy Alternatives for Ice Cream on Grand (Englewood, NJ)

Purpose and Significance of Report

The purpose of this formal report is to implement dairy-free options at Ice Cream on Grand. This local ice cream shop has been in business for more than two decades yet carries the same thirty-two (32) flavors, all containing dairy. In order to be more inclusive to all types of customers (vegan, lactose intolerant, etc.), Ice Cream on Grand needs to seek dairy alternatives. By finding a common ground, there will be a positive impact on the business (i.e. revenue) and customer traction/satisfaction.

Intended Audience:

Syed Rizvi, the owner of Ice Cream on Grand


To determine the feasibility of the implementation of a non-dairy ice cream flavor
To provide recommendations on improving customer satisfaction

Primary data is collected based on a consultation the company Panza, which is the head supplier of our productions to discuss the practicality of dairy-free options.

In-person and online surveys via UBC Qualtrics are available. Attached is a sample of the online survey that will be used:

Secondary sources include the government consensus.

Formal Report Outline

Attached below is a PDF of my formal report outline.

Piper Kim’s Formal Report Outline

Research Plan

These are the next steps in my research:

  • Consult with the head supplier, Panza
  • Discuss the feasibility of dairy alternatives and pricing
  • Explore the best alternative flavor
  • Conduct surveys for a one (1) week period
  • Secondary research
      • Government censuses
      • Demographics of people living in Englewood, New Jersey
  •  Data analysis on surveys/responses

Writing Schedule

Attached is my writing schedule for the coming months:

July 8: Post my formal report outline and memo to my team forum

July 10: Revise survey questions based on feedback

July 11-18: Conduct in-person and online surveys

July 16: Research secondary sources

July 18: Complete primary and secondary research and begin summarizing the findings

July 20: Analyze the findings and create visuals

July 22: Complete formal report draft and post on my team forum

August 2: Finalize formal report according to suggestions from peer review

Thank you for taking the time for your review and professional insights that will help me improve on this report.