About Me


Piper Kim, 21

Hello! ♥♥♥

My name is Piper Kim and I am a third-year student at UBC, majoring in Political Science. I am from New Jersey, USA but I occasionally visited Vancouver, BC when I was younger. I have interests in reading and writing, thus the reason I am taking this course. Regarding my major, I am into learning about global news and analyzing the political climate which I can apply to my studies. With my major, I am more interested in the technical aspect of the field and hope to lead a future career path in the business, media, or communications industry. I have taken a handful of commerce courses at UBC and it has sparked my curiosity about venturing out into the business world. Thus, in the future, I plan on possibly attending grad school to receive a Master of Business Admin (MBA) or a degree in Journalism in Media.

Post-graduation, I want to pursue a career in the entertainment industry as a journalist or a PR specialist! After learning a lot about professional writing, I feel more confident in my work. In addition, by exploring my plans through various assignments, I am more comfortable about what I will pursue in the future, setting a clear goal for myself.

In this course, I learned a lot about writing emails/memos and research. In fact, as a result of one of the assignments, I have created a LinkedIn profile based on all the best practices I found and were recommended to by my team members. Let’s connect!

LinkedIn: My profile