Self-Reflecting on Creating the Web Folio

Creating the Web Folio was more challenging than I had anticipated. To be frank, I was not concerned with the technical aspects of creating a website, considering my background in computer science. However, I realize now that I overlooked the difficulty of this process.

It was a slow process to create my Web Folio. I had to spend time learning all the small details of working with WordPress, such as how to implement a theme, re-arrange components in a theme, and create pages and order them correctly. Although this was initially frustrating, after spending the time researching all I had to know, the process of creating the Web Folio and my website became much easier. I really enjoyed the freedom, in terms of design decisions, this assignment afforded the students. It was fun to experiment with different themes and orientations. One thing I found valuable was sending pictures or links of various pages to my friends for feedback. Having a fresh set of eyes to make sure everything was easy to access and looked “good” ensured that I created an aesthetic and strong Web Folio.

Second, it was rewarding to re-work some of the past assignments in this course for this assignment. I especially enjoyed editing and revising work from earlier in the semester. Although my earlier works had many more mistakes that required correction, it filled me with joy to see just how far I had come as a technical writer. When comparing my earlier assignments to my more recent ones, it became clear just how much I had improved my writing abilities. Revising my assignments was also a smooth process; the feedback I received from the course instructor and my writing team aided me in making all the necessary corrections. All in all, I am very happy that the Web Folio was an assignment for ENGL 301. Creating it has been my favourite part of the course, and it allows me to look back on all I have accomplished with a sense of pride.

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