About Me

Thanks for wanting to learn a little bit more about me. Here is a quick summary of who I am:



I am in my first year of study in the Bachelor of Computer Science (BCS) program and the University of British Columbia (UBC). Last year, I graduated from UBC with a BSc. in Behavioural Neuroscience. Academically, I have always been fascinated by technical and analytical questions, which is what drove me to study neuroscience for my first degree. I wanted to understand what drove human behaviour, including what drove social interactions, why we behave the way we do in certain situations, and what goes wrong in brain diseases and disorders. I have also always been passionate about giving back to others and helping my community, which is what led me to joining the BCS program. Building on my interests of tackling analytical and technical questions, I decided to pursue the BCS as it would afford me the opportunity to tackle these types of questions. Furthermore, I hope to combine the knowledge I gain from my BCS degree with the knowledge obtained in my neuroscience degree to ultimately pursue a career in the field of neurotechnology. My goal is to join a team or organization that aims to treat and cure neurological disorders using computational approaches, such as building artificial intelligence (AI) applications that can help with Huntington’s disease diagnosis. Another example would be creating an AI based hardware that can help people with paralysis regain body function.

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