Revised Peer Review of Formal Report

To: Philip Tellier, ENGL 301 Team Potluck Member

From: Sidney Singh, ENGL 301 Student Reviewer

Date: November 19, 2021

Subject: Peer Review of Formal Report Proposal: The Negative Effect of Long-Term Sitting: Guidance for Computer Science Students

Dear Philip,

It was a pleasure reading your informative and well researched formal report. It details the harmful effects of sedentary work very well. This review offers suggestions on how to enhance the report.

First Impressions

Strengths include the diversity of peer reviewed research and its clear organization. The report is well researched and demonstrates an exceptional understanding of the topic.

Working Title and Title Page

The cover page is beautifully designed. The picture of the man sitting at the desk is a fitting image for this report.


The abstract successfully summarizes crucial information in the report. It contains a brief summary of the effect of sedntary work for computer science students, a few possible interventions, a summary of the data section and a short conclusion. It is direct and to the point.


The first paragraph successfully contextualizes why long-term sitting is harmful for computer science students. The sub headings such as “Which types of people sit for long periods,” and  “Suspected health issues caused by sitting,” were useful and helpful.


This section uses primary data from surveys,secondary research from peer reviewed articles and health care guidelines.

Data Section

Overall, this section is very well written. It demonstrates how long periods of sitting can lead to back pain and obesity and recommends preventative measures. Research on improving posture, standing desk and exercise are organized into appropriate sub headings.

Below are a few suggestions with examples to help with enhancing clarity.

Using an active voice to describe information lends the text more authority.

Original Sentence: An accelerator (a devices that measures accelerator) can be used to objectively monitor when workers are sitting…

Revised suggestion: In a study by Lunde et al. an accelerometer (a device that measures acceleration) was used to track healthcare workers’ back pain. An accelerometer can accurately monitor worker’s movements as no bodily acceleration occurs when workers remain sedentary.

Burying the negative will endow the report with a positive and encouraging tone.

Original sentence: The other surveys answers were less agreed upon.

Revised suggestion:  The answers for question # were diverse.


The summary condenses the findings from the research detailed in the data section.

Recommending short exercises will encourage the readers to take the advice offered in the report. There are a variety of short yoga and stretching exercise that can be completed in a seated position.

Editing out imperative verbs will create an approachable tone for the reader.

Original sentence: Stress to students that regular exercise, good posture and an activity permissive workstation is helpful to reduce the risks of sitting for too long.

Revised suggestion: Advising students that regular exercise, good posture and an activity permissive workstation may improve their overall health.

Works Cited

References are cited correctly according to MLA style.


The diversity of peer reviewed sources highlights the credibly and professionalism of the report. The sub sections enhance clarity and guide the reader through the report.


The graphics include an illustration demonstrating proper posture, four circle graphs and one table graph. All graphics are revelant and they enhance the report.

Helevtica font size 11 is appropriate for this report.

The layout is reader friendly.

Including titles for the figures 1,2 and 3 may help increase clarity for the reader.

Spelling and Grammar

Introduction: “…people at work tend to sit more than they are not at work.”

“…that sitting for too long, for too often…”

“…the contribution of sitting in school is negligible.”


Final Notes

To reiterate below are a few suggestions to enhance the formal report.

  • Using an active voice to describe research from secondary sources
  • Burying the negative when outlining survey results
  • Editing out imperative verbs for recommendations to computer science students
  • Including titles for the figures in the report may help increase clarity

This is an excellent report that highlights the effects of sedentary work. Feel free to email if any questions arise.

The link below goes to Philip Tellier’s Formal Report as it posted originally on the Team Forum.

Formal Report – Negative Effects of Long Term Sitting V2

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