Module 1 Reflection

The definition and peer review assignments were excellent introductions into techinical writing structures.

Definition Assignment

Botrytis Cinerea was an excellent choice for the definition assignment as the term is used in both scientific and winemaking circles. The reading context was a BC Liqour customer asking questions about sweet wine production. In order for Botrytis Cinerea, a fungus to sound enticing to a customer the defintion included examples of wines that use botrytized grapes and a folk story.

First Peer Review

The peer review process proved to very beneficial. In previous courses  providing written feedback can be challenging  without sounding harsh. The textbook and handout illustrated how to provide professional and polite feedback. It illustrated  how to clearly state the perceived error and politely make suggestions for revision. This includes using the word “would” when recommending suggestions in order to make feedback sound less confrontational. For the peer review the goal was to provide clear and precise feedback for my partner Ms. Lea Ang Salamanca.

Revisions to the defintion will include suggestions from Ms. Salamanca’s peer review.

Below is a link to original the Revised Definition and Lea Ang Salamanca’s Peer Review posted on the Team Forum. To find the most current iteration of the Revised Defintion kindly visit the Best Works tab and scroll down.


Revised Definition

Revised Definition of Botrytis Cinerea

Peer Review of Botrytis Cinera

Peer review of Botrytis cinerea

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