Module 2 Reflection

The second module included a variety of assignments such as the LinkedIn related memo, the formal report proposal and another peer review. These assignments were posted on the Team Forum where groups members were able to read and interact with each other’s work. Below are my reflections on the aforementioned assignments in greater detail.

LinkedIn Best Practices Memo

The LinkedIn best practices memo highlighted the importance of research. Every online article outlined how to utilize LinkedIn for networking. For example, the article written by Joe Fields recommends to publish posts “2-3 times a week but no more than 30 times a month.” It is fascinating to see there is concrete research on the best publishing frequency on LinkedIn. This demonstrates the power of modern technology in professional communication. LinkedIn has a plethora of interesting features and allows users to view analytics, and connect to other users through posts, tags and direct messages.

Formal Report Proposal

Writing a formal report for CWSA is an exciting new experience. It did sound daunting at first but following the instructions in the course textbook helped. The proposal and report outline introduced me to new technical writing formats. These assignments helped refine the structure of my formal report. As of today, the two surveys are currently under review by the CWSA Interim Director. One survey is intended for the entire CWSA student body while the other is exclusively for the CWSA Social and Executive Committees. These Committees are quite large therefore a survey was the best means to reach them given the time constraints. This is an excellent time to produce the report as there will be an official CWSA meeting on recruiting new volunteers in April. The report will also include secondary research around increasing participation in organizations.

The Second Peer Review

The peer review for my proposal highlighted areas of confusions helpful and brought forward important questions. Peer reviewing Noah Saini’s proposal was an opportunity to practice writing structural feedback along with technical suggestions. I aimed to provide helpful suggestions and ask pertinent questions. For the next peer review editing out imperative verbs will help in achieving a professional and supportive tone.

Reading and reviewing examples in the instructor’s blog and the work of peers showcases different approaches to technical writing. Every member of Team Potluck makes excellent contributions that speak to their own expertise. Going forward paying attention to peer review structure, minimizing pronouns and imperative verbs will help my technical writing.

The links below are to the original submissions posted on the Team Forum. To find the most recent iterations kindly scroll through the Best Works tab.

Revised Report Proposal -Sidney Singh

Peer Review of Proposal-Noah Saini

Formal Report Outline-Sidney Singh

Works Cited

Fields, Joe. “10 Tips to Boost Your LinkedIn Presence in 2021.” Social Media Today, Industry Drive, 7 Feb. 2021,

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