Task 1 – What’s In My Bag?

Hi, my name is Amanda and her is a glimpse into my bag! This picture shows the contents from my everyday purse.

  • wallet
  • glasses cleaner
  • hair tie
  • lip gloss
  • pen
  • apple tag
  • guitar pick
  • usb
  • lip balm
  • sunglasses
  • kleenex
  • blue tokens
  • keys
  • phone (used to take picture)

Many of these items are used on a regular basis to help me function throughout my daily routines. My wallet and keys assist in getting me to and from work ensuring I have proper id and access into my school and classroom. My phone is on me at all times and a piece of technology and text that I use all the time. It supports my role as an educator and student as well. I stay connected to parents, coworkers, and my admin throughout the day via my phone. It is my main form of communication whether it be through texting, emailing, FreshGrade, or even social media. I also use it to keep my sanity during crazy days at school by being sent the odd, adorable photo of my niece or nephew every once and a while also.

Other items in my bag can tell a bit more about who I am. First off, the Apple AirTag, apparently, I lose things from time to time, so this is my attempt at never losing my purse ever again! I wear glasses and you never know when you will be in need of a good clean. As far as lip care goes…I live up in Northern BC…need I say more? Spending time with my niece and nephew, a package of Kleenex is always a must. A mess is always just around the corner when having fun with auntie. I play guitar quite a bit and seem to have picks laying around all over and somehow one managed to find it’s way into my purse. Sunglasses are always in my purse ready for when the sun breaks through the sky. I often keep myself so busy so by having sunglasses and a hair tie in my bag I have no excuse to not jump on an adventure if the weather is right and the opportunity presents itself.

The pen and usb offer up two very different forms of texts in my life. The pen is always ready and available for me to write something down…most often on my hand. Whereas the usb stores important files that I transport back and forth to school. Both offer me the power of writing yet in two very different forms.

Lastly, three blue tokens. These tokens can be found all over my house, classroom, and in every pocket of my clothing. I use they tokens as incentives for one of my students. Looking at it through this assignment’s lens, these tokens are very powerful form of text for my student. Each token offers positive affirmation to my student that they are on the right track and making good choices. Without any voice or sound, these blue tokens have a powerful message.

The items in my bag all tell a story. They also have text on them which tell their own story. My bag today looks very different than what it would have looked like 15 years ago. The items that are linked to technology would be non-existent like the AirTag, usb, or phone. My key change would look very different. I would be a student still in university so I would not have school keys and I would be living on campus with no need for car keys.

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