Linking Assignment #2

Task #10: Attention Economy

This was a great assignment done by Emily. It was extremely thorough and referenced many sources from our readings. After reading Emily’s work I was tempted to go back and adjust mine to bring it up to her standard. We both found this interface to be extremely frustrating which I wasn’t surprised by however, she had a lot of difficulty with the intro page. She stated that she spent 10 minutes on the first page! I would have quit by then for sure! She then moved onto the next page where she was distracted by fonts and banners of text.  Her and I both had difficulty creating a password due to the language issue of know what “Cyrillic characters” meant. Emily’s use of screen shots was helpful in getting the full picture of her experience with this assignment. She completed the task in just under 9 minutes which was only a couple minutes slower than I did it. Good job to Emily for pushing past that first 10 minutes of frustration and crushing the rest of it!

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