Linking Assignment #3

Here I chose to link to Elvio’s potato printing assignment for a few different reasons. Elvio used lower case letters, involved his kids, and found the process therapeutic. First off, the fact that Elvio used lower case letters made things much more difficult. I would have struggled with this as well as the mirroring issue. I was wondering why it took him 2 hours to complete, I believe this was probably one contributing factor. Next up, Elvio got his 2-year-old to use the prints after they were completed. I did the same thing with my niece and nephew who are 2 and 4 years old. They had a blast and created all sorts of designs. Lastly, Elvio found this process to be therapeutic, I did not. I was stressed about making each letter perfect and was frustrated when I couldn’t. Even the painting was stressful for me, I wanted to the colours to turn out a certain way which caused me some anxiety. If I was to go back and do this again, maybe my thoughts and feelings would change but as for this time, Elvio and I’s experience were very different. I also appreciated that in Elvio’s post, he included a section on how he would use this lesson in the classroom.

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