Linking Assignment #5

Task 11: Algorithms | Detain Release

I enjoyed reading Jessica’s write up on her experience with the Detain/Release program, mostly because I feel like we differed quite a bit. Jessica found herself leaning towards trusting the defendant’s testimony and opted to release them more often than detain them. This was completely the opposite for me. I was quick to detain the defendants until the jail capacity became and issue. It was interesting that she mentioned her nursing background and how that could have affected her decisions. Then that got me thinking about my own background as an educator, why didn’t I jump to detain so quickly? Jessica provided some amazing resources in her post as well; Kate Crawford’s book and the TedTalk by Hany Farid. I really enjoyed the TedTalk and how it spoke to AI and algorithms that instead of overcoming social issues they are “merely mirroring and replicating them” (Jessica, 2022). This was a fantastic piece done by Jessica and I really enjoyed it.

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