Linking Assignment #6

Task 6 Emoji Story

Jenny’s emoji story caught my attention right away because I had considered doing the same movie: Lightyear. Here story summary was very easy to understand as it was simple. I debated over doing this movie because I felt like it didn’t have enough plot to describe. The story line was very simple, and I definitely over analyzed how I could convey the plot in multiple emoji lines. Jenny did a great job with this and summarized the movie completely. In comparison to my Emoji story, Jenny gave a summary of the plot, and I did more of a play by play of the whole movie. Looking back, I can see how mine story would be much more confusing to follow as a reader who has never watched the movie. Whereas Jenny’s was simple and easy to follow.

Linking Assignment #5

Task 11: Algorithms | Detain Release

I enjoyed reading Jessica’s write up on her experience with the Detain/Release program, mostly because I feel like we differed quite a bit. Jessica found herself leaning towards trusting the defendant’s testimony and opted to release them more often than detain them. This was completely the opposite for me. I was quick to detain the defendants until the jail capacity became and issue. It was interesting that she mentioned her nursing background and how that could have affected her decisions. Then that got me thinking about my own background as an educator, why didn’t I jump to detain so quickly? Jessica provided some amazing resources in her post as well; Kate Crawford’s book and the TedTalk by Hany Farid. I really enjoyed the TedTalk and how it spoke to AI and algorithms that instead of overcoming social issues they are “merely mirroring and replicating them” (Jessica, 2022). This was a fantastic piece done by Jessica and I really enjoyed it.

Linking Assignment #4

[7.5] Mode Bending

I thoroughly enjoyed Mark’s mode bending assignment for “What’s in the Bag”.  I was drawn to his because of the mode that he chose to use. I wanted to find one that used purely audio similar to mine. He decided to create a podcast in the style of the tech reviewer and lifestyle YouTuber Justin Tse. So, I decide to watch Justin’s video first so that I would know what the baseline was as I have never heard of Justin Tse. I think Mark did an amazing job at replicating the feel and delievery of Justin’s video. Mark spoke with great energy and emulated some of Justin’s mannerisms. Mark and I did a similar task as they are both somewhat of promo videos for our bags. My only wish for Mark is that he would have done his in a video format rather than a podcast. The mode bending was there with the audio however the video would have been just that extra step to fully emulate Justin.

Linking Assignment #3

Here I chose to link to Elvio’s potato printing assignment for a few different reasons. Elvio used lower case letters, involved his kids, and found the process therapeutic. First off, the fact that Elvio used lower case letters made things much more difficult. I would have struggled with this as well as the mirroring issue. I was wondering why it took him 2 hours to complete, I believe this was probably one contributing factor. Next up, Elvio got his 2-year-old to use the prints after they were completed. I did the same thing with my niece and nephew who are 2 and 4 years old. They had a blast and created all sorts of designs. Lastly, Elvio found this process to be therapeutic, I did not. I was stressed about making each letter perfect and was frustrated when I couldn’t. Even the painting was stressful for me, I wanted to the colours to turn out a certain way which caused me some anxiety. If I was to go back and do this again, maybe my thoughts and feelings would change but as for this time, Elvio and I’s experience were very different. I also appreciated that in Elvio’s post, he included a section on how he would use this lesson in the classroom.

Linking Assignment #2

Task #10: Attention Economy

This was a great assignment done by Emily. It was extremely thorough and referenced many sources from our readings. After reading Emily’s work I was tempted to go back and adjust mine to bring it up to her standard. We both found this interface to be extremely frustrating which I wasn’t surprised by however, she had a lot of difficulty with the intro page. She stated that she spent 10 minutes on the first page! I would have quit by then for sure! She then moved onto the next page where she was distracted by fonts and banners of text.  Her and I both had difficulty creating a password due to the language issue of know what “Cyrillic characters” meant. Emily’s use of screen shots was helpful in getting the full picture of her experience with this assignment. She completed the task in just under 9 minutes which was only a couple minutes slower than I did it. Good job to Emily for pushing past that first 10 minutes of frustration and crushing the rest of it!

Linking Assignment #1

ETEC 540 – Task 3: Voice to Text Task

Joseph’s voice-to-text experience was similar to mine however we used different platforms. He used Speechnotes and I used dictation in word. I really liked how Joseph included the original text file along with the edited version. I found this linking assignment difficult to do with others because I would read the script but had no idea what the original text was which made it hard to analyze. Whereas with Joseph’s I could see what was intended for his story and what was documented through Speechnotes. I found that they Speechnotes did a much better job gathering the full story from Joseph in comparison to mine. What also helped is that Joseoh knew how to add in periods to his original text. In comparison to mine which had no punctuation at all. In the end both of us felt like the voice to text programs lacked portraying the full story because expression and punction were not included.