Equality in Advertisements



After reading Arman Mazhari’s blog, I am inspired to have a say on this topic, which is the element of comparison in an advertisement. Back in my country, the legislation does not permit advertisements which feature the comparison of a product with another real existing product on the mass media.  In fact, no mention of another brand is allowed. As such, all products have equality to promote or appeal themselves to consumers through commercials. Though the advertisements are mostly dull, the restrictions allow and encourage marketers to focus on conveying the point of difference of the products in their advertisements to reach the consumers.

In my opinion, this is the ethic that Walmart and Pepsi-Cola need to incorporate in their advertisements to show their respects to consumers. As mentioned by Arman, comparative advertisements can often mislead consumers and leave them in doubt, as indeed, “there is no clear cut in the debate”. Another mart can cut its price so low to sabotage Walmart’s point of difference that boasts of low prices. Coke can always fight back with variable tastes. When this happens, can Walmart and Pepsi-Cola afford to eat back on their words and lose their customers?

Source: https://blogs.ubc.ca/armanmazhari/2012/10/09/comparative-advertising-good-or-bad-idea/

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