I would say that this isn’t the best team experience that I ever had. Nevertheless, I have learned a life/working experience, to say overall.
Our team consists of me, Summer, Briana, Katherine, Adrian and Ali. All are brilliant students with fantastic ideas and thoughts. We are pretty diverse that we come from different places and are brought up in different environments. The diversity in our group enables us to gain insights from different perspectives, and of course, many different ideas are brought into the group. I am thankful for being able to see how people that brought up in such different environments work.
However, if I can go back in time, I would have given more thoughts when we chose our company. Instead of choosing a right company that I have known better, I decided to follow the choice that the majority had, which is Toyota. We had a reasoning behind this choice- we are so diverse that Toyota is one of the few companies that is the intersection between our different trails of familiarity. It proves to be a bad choice for me, for truthfully, I had zero knowledge about vehicles to start with. To get to know the product, in the least, required much effort in my part, let alone to evaluate the entire marketing mix of Toyota.
On the video assignment, I think we could have done better if we have been more organized about our group. If everyone was to turn up during meetings and be more committed, it would not have been as messy as the way we experienced during the process of making the video. Although the process and outcome might not be up to my expectation, everyone has fairly completed their respective parts and we managed to produce a video for this assignment.