Disney’s New Webpage Look, New Experience



Following Park Yeon Soo Eunice’s blog about Disney’s new webpage as its marketing strategy, I do agree with her that when a company should always weigh between the outcomes and the losses to any change in marketing strategy. Eunice mentions that the old “Guest” of Disney might encounter difficulties in looking for certain features in the old website.

However, in this case, I take Disney’s side. In my opinion, the new webpage provides Disney’s “Guests” with refreshed excitement and experience. While Eunice may or may not imply that Disney should retain its old website style, if Disney does not upgrade or improve its webpage with new look and fun appeal, “Guest” especially kids whose preferences depend heavily on first impressions , might easily get bored and lose interest in the webpage itself, let alone to consider further patronising Disney’s services. Yes, it is true that Disney has already established long-time brand recognition and image among consumers. However, Disney is not monopoly in the entertainment sector; in fact, it faces huge competition from competitors such as Universal. While Disney has a long successful history, let’s not forget that consumers possess high consumer power that they can easily switch their preferences to Disney’s competitors.

Source: https://blogs.ubc.ca/eyeonsoo/2012/10/08/disney-reveals-new-home-page-for-the-new-target/


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