Ethics of Snoopy Marketers

As business competitions build up, marketers have huge responsibilities to increase effective sales and beat competitors through advertising. Advertisements of products in every possible form try to reach out to consumers. In the process, companies try to make the most efficient advertising with the lowest cost. This is where Rubicon comes in handy. Rubicon provides precise analysis and profiles stratification of potential buyers for different types of products, and then, auction off online ad spaces to marketers. It has somehow turned into a real-time system, not unlike stock trading.

Essentially, advertisements between companies have turned into a competition as well. The company that successfully appeals its advertisement to customers and turns it into effective sales is the winner. And, it has to be fast and precise to capture the right customer.

It is really interesting to know how advertisements have evolved from being a traditional tool to communicate the value of a product into an element of marketing race for companies.

However, the ethics of companies that pry into our personal information and online privacy, in order to obtain data for the perfect display ad spot for potential buyers, is highly questionable.

Source cited:

Singer, Natasha. “Your Online Attention, Bought In An Instant.” The New York Times 17 Nov. 2012. Web. 18 Nov. 2012. <>.

Picture cited:

Addante, Frank. Your Online Attention, Bought In An Instant. 2012. The New York Times, New York. Web. 18 Nov. 2012. <>.



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