#2 Capturing the Hearts of Loyal Customers

There is a computer retail store called Megamate Inc. based in my hometown and my dad just loves to buy computers and other accessories from there. My brother once asked, “Why there”? Well, he argues that Megamate sells computers of less variety at a tad higher price compared to competitors. Being the decision maker, my dad still loves to patron them. Why?

This phenomenon is purely the result of excellent marketing strategies, not just coincidence.

We are talking about a small business in a small town with a population of 767,794 mainly comprised of Baby Boomers and Generation Xers. Having a late exposure to the computer world in their life, this group of people generally finds it harder to adapt to the use of computers compared to later generations. They probably freak out when the screen blacks out when in fact, it has just turned into sleep mode.

And Megamate has just what its customers need at precisely this moment. POST-PURCHASE SERVICE. For Free. What happens here is the post-purchase experience and the process of building a relationship with its customers.

Megamate does not just do a transaction with customers. It sells lifelong relationships. Knowing that they have free repair service by professional technicians at their disposal, customers would just return to Megamate with their appliances. Each time a customer returns to Megamate for repair, Megamate reinforces its relationship with the customer. The customer becomes more familiar with Megamate through personal interactions with the staff. Liking Principle says that consumers tend to be more responsive to what they are more familiar with or able to relate to. Through this, consumer trust is built and to no surprise, it increases the rate of returning customers. Also, the reciprocity principle blends in well in this business. Customers repay Megamate with more purchases after receiving free repair services.

Remember Megamate’s pool of customers? They have sons and daughters. Guess who they will turn to if a need for new computers is recognised?

All in all, Megamate’s post-purchase service helps gaining them customer loyalty and compensates for the lack of variety of choices and higher price tags.

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