I am inspired to blog about this brand, Contrex after watching one of its interesting promotional videos that was filmed in 2011. Contrex is a brand for mineral water and is only sold in a few countries, which are France, Switzerland, Germany, Czech Republic and Japan. I applaud Contrex for its successful promotional video to build brand awareness. This particular video is viral online and has reached audiences from many different places, including countries that are not within the list.
Target Market Segment
Contrex’s marketing strategy is clearly developed in both this video and website. From the clip itself, it is obvious that Contrex has a very well- defined and clear targeted market segment: the ladies. During the event, they invited mainly women to try on the bicycles and had the male neon stripper as an attraction. Their website has even more saturated hints of targeting women. Laid in pink background, Contrex features female models and tailors its language in feminine form (in French) as if they are directly speaking to their female customers.
Brand Association
There is very little marginal difference in the product of mineral water. Usually, consumers are indifferent between different brands of mineral waters as they bear similar features. However, Contrex manages to differentiate itself from its counterparts in the same industry, by concentrating on making its brand getting associated with healthy lifestyle, fun and good appearance. Back to the video, the stripper finally holds a board congratulating the participants for losing 2000 calories. Also, the ending statement of the video says that “we slim better if there is fun”. In addition, on Contrex’s website, they use words like “take care of myself”, “line”, “pleasure” and so on. Noticeably on their welcoming page, they have the phrase “To get in touch with your slimming partner, choose your country and connect yourself to the CONTREX world of slimness”. All of these are not fluke; they are the aftermath of thoughtful planning that intends to associate Contrex with the mentioned traits.
All in all, Contrex did a great job in establishing their direction and execution in brand marketing. If I am to say, it will not be very difficult for Contrex to try to penetrate to new markets as it has strong brand awareness that was spread through the promotional video.
Here’s a sequel.