Welfare Queens in US

In Barry Ritholtz’s blog, he finds out that McDonald and Wal-mart are the biggest Welfare Queens in America. I’m interested in this blog because that I’m responsive to this topic. There are two reasons why I feel that way. First, the article mentions that the workers from both companies receive more than billions of dollars in public assistance. That means we, the taxpayers are subsidizing these profitable companies; they take enormous advantage of us, whereas the same time they are operating within the law. Although the blog suggests that the simplest way to solve this issue is to raise the minimum wage for everyone in the states and to make sure everyone gets a fair wage, that’s still the ideal situation. In my opinion, that would bring US society a rising unemployment rate.

walmart-logoThe second reason is that I think these two companies should provide their employees a better environment and a more comprehensive training program. Just like what we’ve talked about in class. Organizational Culture is crucial to every business, because it gives the company more efficient workers, which means a rise in productivity for these two companies.
There’s nothing much we can do, as the consumers. However, if we can get everyone in the society to respond to this issue, and call on a change in these outdated rules. Maybe we can change a life for all these workers who aren’t treated fairly and appease the anger of the taxpayers.


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