Alibaba–World’s Largest IPO

If you have never heard of Alibaba, then you might want to google it because it is the World’s largest IPO. Mr. Jack Ma, the CEO of this company has demonstrated to everyone that hard works pay off. This company was first established in 1999 as it grew bigger and bigger. People see potential in this company. On August 11th, 2005, Yahoo decided to invest $1 billion in cash, in exchange for a 40 percent stake in Alibaba. But then, Mr. Ma was worried that he gave up too much control. Without the board’s permission, he transferred the ownership of the company’s crown jewel—Alipay, to an entity that he controlled. His bold and courageous determined his success. Starting from a small company that’s in his apartment, Mr. Ma makes Alibaba a dominant force in China’s e-commerce.


I feel like that I always can learn a lot from Jack Ma. I’ve seen a couple of his interview, and there is one quote that is inspiring, “You should learn from your competitor, but never copy. Copy and you die” I think that in my future career, this is a quote that I should always remember with my heart.

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